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Teresa Lindeyer Proofreading

Services & Prices 

Teresa Lindeyer Proofreading

As a skilled proofreader with the flexibility to work remotely, Teresa is dedicated to perfecting your written content with unwavering attention to detail, to make sure your words exude clarity and professional excellence.

Copyediting service

Copyediting happens before a proofread and is a line-by-line analysis of your writing to ensure your message is accurate, clear and that it connects with your reader. A copyedit will address: 


  • Understanding: use of plain English to ensure a clear message with no ambiguity or repetition 


  • Clarity: syntax, spelling, grammar, punctuation, appropriate word usage, vocabulary choice that avoids jargon and clichés


  • Queries: anything that seems to be an error, including misspelled names, misused words, numbers that don’t add up, contradictory statements, incomplete references, any obvious factual errors


  • Consistency of layout: treatment of headings, notes, illustrations and references, and ensuring captions fit the images


  • Sympathetic maintenance of author voice, whilst addressing the issues above


Prices start from £27 per hour. 

A per word quote can be discussed if required.

Proofreading service

Proofreading corrects what is wrong and tidies up at the end of the process: 


  • Language: spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, use of tense, autocorrect errors


  • Consistency: within headings and sub heads, date formats, hyphens, capital letters


  • Layout: functioning URL and hyperlinks, line spacing, image captions, numbering


  • Typography: spacing inconsistencies, font size, font colour, use of bold and italics


Starting from £25 per hour.

A per word quote can be discussed if required.

Proof-editing service

This is the ideal blend of proofreading and editing, enhancing what you have written and giving you the benefit of a high-quality proofreading service, but with some editing. 


Starting from £26 per hour.

A per word quote can be discussed if required.

Services are estimated by:
  • Word count

  • Format (Word, PDF, website)

  • Subject matter (including time to check facts and names etc)

  • Turnaround time


Each project will be bespoke and it is recommended to contact Teresa to discuss your specific needs for an accurate estimate. 

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