Teresa Lindeyer Proofreading
"Excellent service!
Your dedication in cross-checking, asking for more explanation whenever things may be unclear and your spot-on timing have been invaluable on the projects you've worked on for us, and have definitely improved the quality of writing."
Beginning in Communications, Teresa thrived as a broadcast television compliance executive. Her role involved meticulous editing to ensure no product placements, inappropriate content or continuity slip-ups made their way to air. Collaborating with scriptwriters and producers, she has honed her eye for detail.
In the early days of social media, she became a social media editor for esteemed companies like the BBC, ITV, and Channel 4, where she was responsible for making sure nothing untoward, illegal or libellous was posted. She was thorough and reacted quickly and confidently when decision-making.
Simultaneously, she trained as an ESOL teacher, empowering refugees through the power of words to connect and create a sense of home, leading her to fully appreciate the importance of plain English: keep it simple to be effective.
This led Teresa to become a copyeditor for an international financial firm's marketing department, developing her craft for assessing documents to understand their audience, cut through jargon, correct errors, apply consistency, develop a house style and polish content to showcase the company's best image.
Continuing her quest for excellence, she underwent formal training through the 'Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading', of which she is a member, continuing to undertake training to make sure that she can offer a high-quality and relevant service. Teresa is always seeking compelling ways to elevate your message.
Teresa Lindeyer welcomes the opportunity to meet you and to discuss how she can take your words to the next level and achieve their potential.